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Rekindle the Flame Page 2

Soon the screen came alive. After an eternity of “Coming Soon” clips, the movie started. The first scene was some hot-bodied twenty-something strutting across the screen bigger than life with nothing but a thong and perky tits. Clearly she’d never given birth and gravity hadn’t thought about touching her body.

  “Now I know why you wanted to see this,” she whispered.

  “Shh, you’re distracting me,” he replied.

  Resigned to the fact she was probably in for a good two hours of unrealistic nakedness, Elly settled back into her seat. The next fifteen minutes were comprised of Naked Chick getting it on with some guy.

  “How come they never show the guy naked like they do the girl? I mean, it’s only fair,” she whispered.

  Josh put his arm around her, tugged her close and kissed her temple. “Patience, sweetheart.”

  Just when climax would have happened, Naked Chick pulled out a knife and sliced the dude’s throat. Blood sprayed all over her, dripping from her nipples. Naked Chick clearly came from the thrill of the kill.

  “That’s twisted,” she muttered.

  Josh chuckled. “I hope you don’t have any fantasies like that. We could only pull it off once.”

  His reference to her one and only fantasy caused her to stiffen. She knew it would come back to haunt her.

  “Relax, I’m only kidding.”

  It took a while, but she did relax. Halfway through the movie and bored out of her skull, she let her mind wander. Thoughts of yard work, laundry and other mundane chores drew her attention away from the carnage happening on the screen. Really, a person could only see so many scenes of Naked Chick getting it on and killing before laundry became more interesting.

  She peeked over at Josh. He seemed genuinely engrossed in the movie. Her gaze slid to his crotch. Could this horrible movie be turning him on? Or was that from earlier? Needing a little entertainment herself, Elly reached over and cupped his erection. When he pushed into her hand, Elly grinned. Punishment.

  Very carefully and none too skillfully, she worked his belt loose, unbuttoned his pants and slipped her fingers down inside. The tips of her fingers smoothed across the hard head of his cock. She teased and played for a few moments, wishing she had better access. When Josh gripped her wrist and pushed her hand away, an actual pout formed on her lips.

  Then his hand found its way onto her thigh, pushed the hem of her dress up, way up, exposing her bare pussy. His nimble fingers plucked at her clit, fluffing the little bundle up before slipping lower and pushing inside her.

  “Josh, we aren’t alone in here,” she whispered with a touch of desperation in her voice.

  He only grinned, a very knowing, wicked tilt of his lips, and pumped his fingers in and out. It felt good. His fingers eased in and out easily through her liquid lust. Elly couldn’t help but watch the two couples further up in the theater. They could be caught any moment.

  Josh increased his pace, fingering her into an orgasmic stupor. As her body tightened, ready for the forbidden release, he stopped. This time she gripped his wrist. Okay, so this was risky, but damn it, he’d gotten her this far. He could at least finish it.

  What he did next blew her mind. Very carefully and quietly, he eased from his seat, got on his knees and wedged himself between her and the row in front of them. He wouldn’t. Elly shook her head vigorously, mouthing the word “no”.

  Josh nodded and answered with a silent yes. Grabbing her hips, he tugged her forward and quickly dove between her thighs. His soft, wet tongue licked slowly between her soaked folds before circling her clit. Elly fought to keep any sound from escaping. She couldn’t believe it. They were in a movie theater with other people and he was eating her.

  His tongue flicked around her opening, teased and then slipped inside as far as he could get it. Caught between wanting more and wanting him to stop made her head spin. She loved his eager mouth on her pussy, always did. Her breathing came in short pants and when Josh sucked her clit, Elly bucked and came. On the screen gunfire erupted, buildings blew up and people shouted.

  The pleasure rippling throughout her body was in sharp contrast to the carnage on the screen, but she got lost in the two combined. Even if she did whimper a little too loudly, no one would hear her. So for a few seconds she allowed herself to float in the pleasure of her man eating her pussy.

  All too soon, Josh pulled away and maneuvered back into his seat. He quickly buttoned and belted his pants, slipped his arm around her and tugged her close. Still humming from that naughty orgasm, Elly laid her head in the crook of his arm.

  The movie didn’t last but a few more minutes, with Naked Chick being dragged into the fiery pits of Hell where she’d experience pleasure and death over and over for eternity. So clichéd.

  During the credits, the other two couples made their escape. Once they were gone, Josh stood and helped her up. Good thing, too. Her legs were wobbly.

  “Enjoy the movie, sweetheart?”

  Oh, the smug look on his face made her want to drop to her knees and show him a thing or two. “It was incredibly pleasurable.”

  “Glad to hear it. Feel like some ice cream?”

  She couldn’t help noticing his smile that never faded as they drove the ten miles to her favorite ice-cream parlor. He appeared to be a man pleased with himself. “So that über-erection you had going, was that from watching the movie?”

  She could understand it. Men liked perfect, young bodies. She unfortunately had neither.

  “You think I got that hard watching some psycho woman killing people naked?” Josh gave a mock shiver. “Honestly, that movie sucked. Way too much blood and not enough plot.”

  Did he really pay that much attention?

  “That über-erection, as you put it, is because of you, sweetheart. You aren’t the only one who noticed how dull our lives have become.”

  “Our lives aren’t dull.” When Josh shot her a “get real” look she caved. “Okay, it is dull, but that’s because we let ourselves fall into an endless routine. I’m not bored with you, Josh. I love you more now than ever and I’m sorry if what I said the other night hurt your feelings. I was tipsy, not thinking clearly and—”

  “Being honest,” he finished.

  She cringed. Alcohol did have a tendency to make her speak her mind.

  “I wasn’t hurt, Elly. It did open my eyes though. We have all the hard stuff nailed down. We have an excellent relationship and we’re good parents with great kids. We’re doing everything right except paying attention to our personal needs. It’s about time we get back to that.”

  Elly relaxed back into the seat and released a silent, pent-up breath. “I was thinking the same thing on the way home tonight. I just didn’t know how to express it properly, especially after I shot my big mouth off.”

  “You need to let that go, babe. My point is, I went to work this morning thinking about how we could capture some of our old spark and thought, forget the old stuff, we need new sparks.”

  “Tonight has been new.” And she loved it.

  “Be honest, me eating you out in that theater, it was hot knowing anyone could catch us at any moment.”

  A delicious chill slithered through her body. She did come pretty hard and no doubt because of the public factor. Imagine how incredible it would have been if they had actually fucked in that restaurant? “Wait, you have an exhibition fetish, don’t you? That’s why you wanted to go to the restroom and you planned that whole scene in the theater.”

  “Thought about it all day. When I couldn’t get you to fuck me in the bathroom, I moved on to Plan B. That’s why the erection.” He tapped the side of his head. “They say the brain is the largest sexual organ.”

  She got all that. What she didn’t get was this public sex revelation. “I had no idea you wanted, I mean, since when did that sort of thing turn you on?”

  “Always has,” he answered and shrugged. “You aren’t the only one with secret fantasies. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not into doing it right there on a pub
lic street with people walking by or anything, but semi-private where there’s a chance of being seen, yeah.”

  Completely enthralled now, Elly turned slightly in her seat. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Hell, she would have been game, or at least started working herself up to it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the gang-bang thing?”

  A strangled sound came from her throat. “Because I thought you’d think I was a slut or sick or,” she threw her hands up in the air, “something.”

  “Same here and I don’t think you’re a slut, sweetheart. I was shocked, honestly shocked. Of all the things I could imagine you wanting, that never entered my mind.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about it. I mean, if it ever came down to it I couldn’t do it.” She felt the need to express that to him. No matter what he said, she knew it made things different. “You’re the only man I want seeing me naked.”

  He sat silent a moment, making the turn into the ice-cream parlor. After they parked, Josh shut the car off and turned toward her. “Why not?”

  He did not ask that. She wanted to answer that question, but when her lips parted, nothing coherent would come out.

  “If you were handed the opportunity to live out a fantasy, you would turn away?”

  Elly shook her head. Nope, she wasn’t talking about this. That damn can of worms opened and they were squirming all over her with no hope in hell of putting them back. “Let’s get our ice cream.”

  Josh gently circled his fingers around her wrist and halted her escape from the car. Oh God. Why did he insist on continuing this topic?

  “Why, Elly?”

  Okay, if she didn’t respond, Josh would only harp on the subject the rest of the night and possibly the entire weekend. “It would be too much like cheating on you, Josh, and that’s something I would never do. I love you too much and would never jeopardize our relationship over something so foolish. Can we please get our ice cream now?” There. He had his answer.

  “Even if I was there participating?”

  His words seemed to bounce off her face. She heard them clearly but couldn’t seem to comprehend what he meant.

  “Think about it,” he whispered and then winked before opening his door.

  Well, that little statement sent a rush of visions through her brain, all triple-X and hard-core. She actually had to shake her head to force them away. Little did the man know he added an entirely new twist to her longtime fantasy. Sure, she always pictured Josh watching, but participating? Instructing other men how to touch her, please her—for some reason that never entered her mind.

  Elly slid from the car on shaky legs, walked around the front and took Josh’s hand. His wicked grin returned, making her wonder exactly how much he’d been thinking about her drunken confession. Too much, apparently.

  He ordered for them, they took their ice cream to a table away from the crowd and quietly ate. Elly didn’t taste hers. She simply plugged it into her mouth and swallowed. Damn him, why’d he have to go and add fuel to her already flaming-hot fantasy?

  “You’re quiet,” he said around a mouthful of frozen sweetness.

  “Your fault,” she muttered, still unable to shake the visions that kept popping up in her mind. “Or maybe mine for running my mouth.”

  “Don’t punish yourself for being honest, babe. It was sort of a revelation. I never dreamed you were into that kind of stuff. It makes me curious about what other little secrets you have hidden away and what fun we could have revealing them.”

  “Yeah, I never knew you were into public displays.” Her wide smile came quickly as she remembered the way he licked and kissed the chocolate cake from her face. “I’d really like to know what else you’ve hidden from me all these years.”

  Josh leaned over, put his lips next to her ear and whispered. “One step at a time, Elly. I’m afraid I’d freak you out and send you running if I told you everything at once.”

  His hot breath bathed the outer shell of her ear, making her shiver with need. He used to do that all the time because he knew how it affected her. The fluttering effect in the pit of her stomach moved to between her legs, bringing her clit to life. A quiet moan escaped her lips.

  “Wanna go behind the building and fuck me?” she whispered, so ready to give this public sex thing a try.

  “You have no idea how much I want that.” Josh moved away. “I don’t think you’re ready yet, Elly. Besides, I’ve lived out one small part of my fantasy tonight. I think it’s your turn.”

  That put the skids on her hormonal flare. “What?” she squeaked, unsure exactly what he meant.

  Josh shrugged. “You must have other, maybe smaller fantasies you’d like.”

  Elly stared down at her melting ice cream. Did she? Well, there was that one she conjured the other day when one of her coworkers talked about buying a gift for a wedding shower at the adult store. The girl talked about all the unique toys. She went on about how many types of vibrators were available now. Instantly a thought popped into her head about lying naked on the bed, pleasuring herself, getting off while Josh watched.

  The other night she had a dream about light bondage, and then there was that naughty, maybe not so socially acceptable fantasy that she tried hard not to think about. She always wondered what Josh would do if she worked him up and then refused sex. Would he become rough? Force her, maybe? Not that she’d have to be forced, but the thought of acting as though she was made her hot.

  She knew Josh had a hard side to him, he simply didn’t show it very often. When he did get in-your-face snarly with someone, well, they always had a hot night in bed. He even joked about it.

  “Elly? Talk to me. Don’t leave me hanging, babe. I shared, it’s your turn.”

  Okay, they could start out small, right? Work their way up to the bigger things. “Let’s go,” she said, grabbing what was left of his ice cream and standing.


  “I’ll tell you in the car.” After tossing the garbage, she all but ran to the car. Josh gave her a curious, humorous look and unlocked the door.

  They got in, buckled up and then he turned to her. “You wanna tell me where we’re going?”

  Elly smiled. “Adult store.”

  His smile reflected more pleasure that she wanted to play their game than surprise. “Whatever the lady wishes.”

  Chapter Three

  “You aren’t going to bail on me, are you?” he asked as the store came into sight.

  “Not a chance.” He wanted to add new spark to their sex lives, she’d find something to add spark.

  “What is it you’re after, babe?”

  “I want a vibrator. I haven’t had one in years.”

  Josh parked in the lot and chuckled. “Imagine the fun I could have with one of those. I like the way your mind works.”

  Who knew what else they’d find. The possibilities were endless. They walked inside hand in hand. Elly jolted at the bright fluorescent lighting inside. She expected dark and naughty, not a department store setup.

  “Wow,” she whispered, gazing at the wall full of dildos, vibrators and who knew what else. Tugging on Josh’s hand, she led him to the nearest wall and gazed at the many different sizes and colors of dildos.

  “Now that gives me some ideas,” he said, pointing to the top row.

  Elly’s mouth dropped open at the two-foot-long dildo with a head at each end. The picture on the packaging showed two women riding it. “You can’t be serious?”

  “Just a thought,” he muttered.

  They wandered down the wall. She’d never seen so many different sizes before. Some long and fairly thin, others long and fat. Some short and fat, some incredibly thin. The choices boggled the mind.

  “Geez,” Josh whispered. “It’s like they’re trying to make men obsolete.”

  “Don’t worry,” she assured him. “Nothing replaces the real thing.” He grunted as she led him toward the wall full of vibrators. How in the world would she pick one? They ra
nged from tiny bullet-type devices to large, downright scary ones.

  “You pick what you want. I’m gonna look around.”

  “You aren’t going to help?” She felt the frown creep onto her lips.

  Josh leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. “I think this is more of a personal choice. What I like might not be the best for you. I don’t want to buy something that hurts you.”

  She blinked rapidly a few times, stunned that he thought of her comfort when she didn’t. He just kept making her fall in love with him over and over again. “Okay.”

  “I won’t be far, and be good to yourself. Don’t skimp.” Josh gave her a little pat on the ass before walking away.

  Elly gave a wide, sweeping gaze to the wall. She wasn’t sure she wanted a big one. It wasn’t as if she was replacing Josh’s cock. The small ones were cute, but she could see herself dropping one easily. That left a medium size. After spending about fifteen minutes picking up every medium vibrator on sale, she finally settled on one.

  The bright-green color made her laugh and the package said the soft covering made for added comfort. It had three speeds and although it didn’t look exactly like a cock, its shape would serve her purpose. Giddy with excitement, she turned to find Josh.

  He stood in the middle of the store where the movies were displayed. He held one disk case in his hand and appeared to be reading another. Porn, she never thought about that. Was he into watching those? Deciding to leave him to his cinema selection, Elly wandered around on her own.

  When she reached the wall displaying the bondage goods, she stopped dead. The pit of her stomach tingled, her clit throbbed and her blood rushed through her veins. As she took in the pictures depicting models using the goods, her curiosity and excitement grew. Without her permission, her hand reached out and touched what appeared to be a riding crop. The soft leather at the end caressed over her fingertips. Elly closed her eyes and imagined the strips lapping at her flesh, bringing blood to the surface and making her skin extra sensitive.

  Her nipples peaked, stabbing through the thin material of her bra and dress. Aching to be flogged and then soothed with Josh’s lips. How would it feel, she wondered, to have her clit tormented by the leather? Hot blood rushed through her body, making her pussy wet and slick.